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Features and performance in a stylish formWhen the number of Internet users spiralled upwards, one of the biggest factors was being able to communicate with anyone for free. Other than text chat, voice and video chat were also commonly used. Logitech’s new entry in the home video communication section is the QuickCam Communicate Deluxe.The webcam comes in a simple package.
A driver CD and a manual accompany the webcam. The design of the cam is stylish, butsimilar to the others we’ve seen from Logitech. For support, a flexible rubber stand extends out from the rear of the cam. The stand is very flexible and allows the camera to point in any direction. A dedicated photo shoot button is placed on the left and the focus dial on the right. The installation is simple, but you have to install the drivers to enable most of its features for the cam.Video playback is very smooth at 320x240 and 640x480. At 960x720, there is some stuttering that occurs.
The quality however is very good all throughout. The audio quality from the microphone is OK, but it picks up sounds from a big area. There are software features for cancelling out the unwanted sounds and it does a fair job.There are features for reducing flickering of screens while recording videos of them. There are also fun tricks with motion detection and face tracking where a 3d puppet tracks your face and mimics the expressions and movements. There are also image enhancements for improving quality in low light conditions.