A typical day at service ontario includes long line ups of men and woman needing to renew and apply for their drivers license and health cards, along with the registration and renewal of their vehicles. WIth help from the respectful and knowledgable management, I am able to understand the requirements for certain certificates, vehicles, transfers, etc and am now able to move through customers faster because of it. The hardest part of the job is having to assist customers who are upset and choose to raise their voice at you because occasionally they will not listen to what you have to say leaving the line held up and customers upset. Typically a day of work at ServiceOntario involves management immediately building a case should they need to easily remove you from employment, due to there being a union agreement.From there, management often walks by to remind team members that their performance dictates whether or not the Government will retain their services.Management consists of usually 4-5 redundant positions that are constantly trying to justify their existence by routinely harassing staff, on the tax-payer's dime.I cannot comment on co-workers as none of us are permitted to speak to anyone else during work. Any and all interaction must flow through the managers.The most enjoyable part of my job is the moment I walk out the doors at the end of my shift.Working at Service Ontario is a trade-off for good wages compared to a comparable job in some private sector businesses. The benefits, which are being constantly reduced and restructured by the employer, have become mediocre at best as coverage continues to be reduced and premiums increased each year.Because this is a union job, upon hiring, management begins building a case against you, should the need every arise to terminate your employment easily. This creates an ongoing harassing and stressful work environment.I couldn't recommend anyone with any skills or experience or education worth marketing to settle on a job at Service Ontario.
.Information on the department's role in Ontario Region, our programs, activities and services can be accessed through the following Transport Canada Centres.